The 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit celebrated the Diocese of Brooklyn’s resilience during the pandemic and encouraged further development of vibrant, rigorous religious education in local schools and faith formation programs.

The 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit celebrated the Diocese of Brooklyn’s resilience during the pandemic and encouraged further development of vibrant, rigorous religious education in local schools and faith formation programs.
Youth ages 11-18 at St. Therese of Lisieux Roman Catholic Church said they felt lonely during the COVID-19 quarantine. Seeing a need, the parish’s youth ministry team created a speaker series over the summer to engage the kids and help them grow spiritually.
The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund has made the Christmas season a little more cheerful for Lauren Barriteau, 16, a parishioner of St. Clare Catholic Church, Rosedale, and a member of the parish’s youth ministry group.
Thirty-plus members of the Brooklyn Diocese’s Vicariate of Black Catholic Concern’s (VBCC) ambassador program arrived in Puerto Rico on July 1. Some of the members were out-of-state college students, and some, like Rajae Clarke, were returning to serve alongside their fellow youth ambassadors as alums of the program.
Camp Veritas is a week-long sleep away camp for Catholic middle school and high school students. They have several camps over the summer and for the past two years St. Sebastian’s Youth Ministry has gone to the August camp located on the camp grounds of Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, N.Y.
Anyone who takes the opportunity to assist young people truly puts out into the deep unknown waters of how one generation can reach the next generation, especially in regard to the things of faith. Faith cannot be taught. Faith must be caught. Faith must be transmitted by faithful witnesses.
I really enjoy the youth events, especially the Mother’s Day Bake Sale. This year, we partnered with La Baguette Bakery. We were able to sell Haitian patties at the bake sale. We sold out of almost everything, including the patties!
One day after participating in Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day at St. John’s University, the teens took to the local streets close to their Queens Village parish and did some spring cleaning for mother nature.
Pope Francis’ upcoming Synod on Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment will be more important than the 2014 and 2015 Synods on the Family, says Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron of Los Angeles, Calif.
The youth group from Incarnation parish, Queens Village, has one special goal in mind come January 2019: attending World Youth Day in Panama City, Panama. To help bring that to fruition, Father Christopher Bethge, parochial vicar, and Youth Minister Rose Ruesing are coming up with creative ways for the teens to offset the steep costs of the trip.