Choose Life Everyday

Because God creates every living being, he knows everything about each one of us. He knows our favorite color, our favorite band, every emotion we feel and so many more of our quirks and qualities.

Youth Insight: Hearing Not Required

In all, St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf and its students, unexpectedly, educated me in ways that sitting in a classroom simply could not. It made me more considerate of others and strengthened my moral character.

‘You Are Ma Mess’

Our mentors don’t want us to leave our troubles at home; they want us to bring every issue, every gift, every thought and every feeling and talk about them. It may be a mess to talk about, but we are encouraging that mess, that storm.

Learning about Smiles in Ireland

My biggest wish is to be able to go on an Operation Smile mission to help out and see surgeries being performed.