Working Together to Foster Vocation Ministry

AS THE DIOCESE of Brooklyn continues to celebrate the Year of Vocations with the theme “Reawaken the Call,” it encourages everyone to become involved in this important ministry in the life of the Church.

Vocations: Thinking Outside the Box

It was the weekend of Dec. 4, 1959 and my Giants were playing the Cleveland Browns for the Division title that Sunday. My father had season tickets and I could have gone except that my senior homeroom at Brooklyn Prep had a mandatory retreat.

I Want to Be a Priest

It is 1957 and my first week of school at St. Teresa School in Woodside. I had turned six in June and so was probably the oldest in the first grade. Sister Margaret Agnes had asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I had responded, “I want to be a priest.”

Bishop’s Annual Vocation Retreat

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio conducted his annual Vocation Retreat with 32 men discerning the priesthood during the first weekend in March.

Responding in Love

“BECAUSE GOD first loved us, we respond in love, freely choosing to follow Christ.” And so begins the section on vowed life in You Are Sent, the constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. I first read that sentence when I was an S.S.N.D. novice, but in reflecting on my vocation journey, I discover that my heart knew those words long before entering the convent.

I first read that sentence when I was an S.S.N.D. novice, but in reflecting on my vocation journey, I discover that my heart knew those words long before entering the convent.

Revitalize Family Life to Foster Vocations

by Sean M. Suckiel

Promoting vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate and married life must penetrate the life of the Church in the Diocese of Brooklyn at all levels. It is one of the most urgent tasks that the Church is facing today.

Vocation Retreat with Bishop DiMarzio

In this Year of Vocations, young men are invited to encounter Jesus Christ on the diocese’s annual Vocation Retreat with Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.