One Year Post-Ordination: There Is Work to Be Done

A world without Jesus Christ is a world without hope – unrecognizable, within which our neighborhoods, communities, and our common humanity cannot truly flourish. For our sake and for those we must lead to Christ, we cannot lose sight of who we are, from Whom we came, and to Whom we look to return. We’ve got to roll up our sleeves, and get to work.

Let’s Celebrate Five New Priests

As we celebrate our Priesthood Ordinations today, I am pleased to take this opportunity to provide you with a review of our efforts for recruiting seminarians during this Year of Vocations and speak about our newly ordained.

Called and Blessed with Two Vocations

WHEN I WAS in grammar school, I felt a calling. I spoke to my parents and the nuns at school and my pastor. I felt that I needed to be with God.

Collars vs. Scholars

Just before the June sunrays reached peak intensity in Prospect Park, when the UV lights were making the rounds across Baseball Field No. 7, stood a softball player in the batter’s circle who didn’t need loads of luck for her upcoming Collars vs. Scholars game at MCU Field, June 25.

Vocations Event in Bay Ridge

Visitation Monastery, Bay Ridge, opens its doors for a celebration in honor of the Year of Vocations on Saturday, June 23.

Converting, Conforming Ourselves to God’s Will

by Rev. Mr. Alessandro Giuseppe Linardi

THE BEGINNING OF my conversion was in 2004 at the Sanctuary of Saint Pio, when I was almost 22 years old. During that year, I really started to feel the love of God in my heart and the desire to leave everything to follow Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Don’t Be Afraid to Find Your Answer in Prayer

When I speak with students, I often challenge them to find answers to the most elementary questions of life: Who am I? Why did God create me? What is my purpose/mission in life? These answers cannot be found in textbooks nor can they be googled on the internet. True answers come from a deep interior reflection and dialogue with God.

Inviting Jesus to Mold My Heart

Six years ago, I entered the minor seminary at Douglaston for the Diocese of Brooklyn. It took me five years to respond to the call that I felt in my heart. I was 23 years old and the one desire I had was to do God’s will in my life.