It is the Lord, Himself, who told us to pray “to the Lord of the Harvest so that He may send out laborers into His harvest.”
Year of Consecrated Life
Pope Encourages, Cautions Work of Vocation Directors
Despite fewer vocations to consecrated life, those responsible for formation in religious institutes must know how to say no to unsuitable candidates, so as to avoid a “graver crisis of quality” down the road, said Pope Francis.
Power of Religious Life
This past week, the Vatican sponsored a workshop for formators and vocation directors of religious orders of women and men from around the world. It culminated in an audience with Pope Francis, who himself is a member of a religious order, the Jesuits.

Howard Beach School, Parish Host Religious Vocation Fair
To celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, Ave Maria Catholic Academy and Our Lady of Grace parish, Howard Beach, held a Consecrated Life Vocations Fair on March 22.
First Center in U.S. Dedicated to Studying Religious Life
The Catholic Theological Union’s new Center for the Study of Consecrated Life is launching at a time when religious institutions are in a period of massive realignment, with severe contraction in some parts of the world and rapid expansion in others.
Pope Calls for Obedience in Consecrated Life
Total obedience to God’s will brings wisdom, joy and hope, Pope Francis told religious men and women.
A Call to Prophecy in Consecrated Life with slideshow
Celebrating the World Day for Consecrated Life during the Year for Consecrated Life, the bishop of the diocese told those who dedicated their lives to Jesus and His Church that they must be like prophets. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio referenced the first reading, DT 18:15-20, during his homily at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn, Feb 1. […]
Waking Up the World
Last November, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Francis declared a Year of Consecrated Life beginning on that day and to continue until Feb. 2, 2016, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. As a religious, Pope Francis understands, perhaps better than many, the gift of consecrated life to the Church, as well as the difficulties of leading a consecrated life in the world today.

Year for Consecrated Life Opens in Diocese
To kick off the Year of Consecrated Life, men and women living out their religious vocations from various communities in Brooklyn and Queens gathered at Our Lady of Angels Church, Bay Ridge, for an afternoon of prayer Dec. 8.
Changing Times Mean Change in Religious Life
By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Religious orders and the Vatican congregation that assists them must be bold in assessing whether current structures and practices help or hinder the proclamation of the Gospel, the pursuit of holiness and the service of the poor, Pope Francis said. “We must not be afraid to leave ‘old […]