While President Joe Biden is “very sincere” about his Catholic faith, “there are things that he chooses to ignore,” Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory said in an interview March 31.
Women’s Health Protection Act
Biden Spent First Term ‘Actively Promoting and Pushing Abortions’
On Jan. 22, 2021, days after President Joe Biden took office, he issued a statement for the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on the importance of pro-abortion policies, committing himself to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution and expand access to the procedure for women across the country.
USCCB and Pro-Life Leaders Decry ‘Unjust and Extreme Abortion on Demand’ Legislation
Two abortion measures passed by the House July 15 “promote an extreme abortion agenda,” said Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life.
U.S. Prelates Oppose Plan to Codify Roe v. Wade in Federal Law
Ahead of a Senate vote next week, two U.S. Bishops Conference chairpeople have labeled a bill that would codify abortion rights into federal law as “built on a false and despairing narrative” that abortion is the “only, or best, solution to a crisis pregnancy.”
House OKs Abortion Bill Called ‘Far Outside the American Mainstream’
In a 218-211 vote Sept. 24, the U.S. House passed what opponents consider one of the most extreme abortion bills ever seen in the nation — the Women’s Health Protection Act.