At Rosary, Pope Francis Prays Resources Move From Military to Pandemic Prevention

Under the gaze of a seventh-century icon of Mary, Pope Francis launched a monthlong, global recitation of the rosary, pleading for Mary’s intercession for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. And he prayed May 1 that Mary would move people’s consciences “so that the enormous amounts spent to increase and perfect weapons are instead used to promote research to prevent similar catastrophes in the future.”

Pope Francis Celebrates Holy Thursday Mass With Cardinal He Fired

In a surprise move, Pope Francis on Holy Thursday celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper – one of the most sacred liturgies on the Catholic calendar – at the private apartment of Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who resigned from his post earlier this year at the pope’s direct request.

Holy Week Music Series Recorded at St. Peter’s Basilica

At a time when enjoying choir music in churches is banned almost everywhere in the world due to COVID-19 restrictions, two young German tenors recorded a series of songs inspired by Christ’s passion and his resurrection in an empty St. Peter’s Basilica, with new songs being released every day from Wednesday until Easter Sunday.