Within the last few days, two completely separate lawsuits have been filed in two different countries that somehow involve the Vatican.
Analysis: Reality of the Abuse Scandals Now Seems a Tale of Two Cardinals
Over the last three years, sexual abuse charges against two high-profile and massively influential cardinals have rocked the Catholic Church, and now, seemingly, both stories have reached their conclusions. Cardinal George Pell is a free man, while Theodore McCarrick is laicized and exposed as a cunning manipulator able to hoodwink three papacies until his string finally ran out.
Brunei Cardinal Says He Was ‘Hijacked’ Into Priesthood After Saying, ‘Oh, Hell No!’
A self-described ‘crypto-charismatic,’ Brunei’s new and first-ever recipient of a red hat, Bishop Cornelius Sim, said he never dreamed of being a priest, let alone a cardinal, but welcomes his appointment “with open arms.”
Pope Francis, U.S. Bishops Continue Working to Combat Sex Abuse
Pope Francis and U.S. bishops have worked hard to combat clergy sex abuse, according to officials who said the church has made a serious effort to put the victims first even if it means publicly exposing ugly facts about crimes.
World Day of Poor Initiatives Adapt to Pandemic, Vatican Official Says
Even during a global pandemic, the World Day of the Poor will be an important opportunity for parishes to highlight the importance of charity and spiritual comfort for those in need, said a Vatican official.
Analysis: History-Making Report Sets a Precedent the Vatican Can’t Walk Back
In the end, it’s possible the McCarrick report may be remembered as the single most consequential step toward reform during the Pope Francis papacy, not only because of what it reveals about this particular case, but the precedent it sets for how all future cases ought to be handled.
Analysis: A Reader’s Guide to McCarrick Report: Beware of Bad Guys, Smoking Guns
It’s taken far too long to get here, with agonizing delays, chaos, confusion, and reversals of fortune along the way, not to mention accusations of fraud and cover-up. Even now that we have a final result, heated arguments over its meaning and legitimacy probably are only beginning. That’s not a summary of the 2020 U.S. election, though it easily could be. The reference instead is to the Vatican’s release today of its long-awaited report on ex-cardinal and ex-priest Theodore McCarrick, promised more than two years ago and finally at hand.
Prepare for Heaven With Faith and Good Works, Pope Says
People sometimes forget life’s ultimate purpose is to prepare for the kingdom of heaven, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis ‘Unplugged’ From Being Pope in Meeting With Argentine Ice Cream Shop Owners
At a time when supporting your local retailers is a way of helping them weather the COVID-19 storm, one ice cream shop hiding in the shade of St. Peter’s Basilica that has one special faithful customer: Pope Francis.
General Audience Closes to Public After Positive Case of COVID-19
After someone attending Pope Francis’ weekly general tested positive for COVID-19, the Vatican announced the audiences would return to being livestreamed without the presence of pilgrims and visitors.