Bishop Praises House Members for Proposing Citizenship Path for Immigrants

The U.S. bishops’ migration committee chairman Sept. 15 welcomed a move by House members to include language in the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill to provide a pathway to U.S. citizenship for beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and other immigrants.

USCCB Launches Initiative to Address Polarization in U.S. Society

Polarization across society has prompted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to launch an initiative that looks to bring people together to serve the common good. The effort draws heavily from the teachings of Pope Francis, particularly his call in the third encyclical of his papacy, “Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship.”

USCCB Votes at Spring Assembly To Draft Document On Eucharist

The nation’s bishops voted last week to approve a proposal from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ doctrinal committee to draft a document on the Eucharist, after two days of spirited discussion on the topic that dominated this year’s spring meeting.

Bishops Propose Action Plan to Tackle Root Causes Of Migration Crisis

Bishop Mario Dorsonville remembers a conversation he once had with a woman named Rosalinda in a doctor’s office. Rosalinda, a migrant, had legs full of cactus thorns from her journey through the desert to get to the U.S., but she explained that’s not what hurt most.