Jesus’ entire existence was Eucharistic. If you and I are going to live as his disciples and respond wholeheartedly to the gift of his grace, our lives need to be marked by a Eucharistic dynamic.
Up Front and Personal
Easter’s Warming Joy Conquers Winter’s Woe
This past weekend, side by side in the grocery store, lay both bags of salt to pour on icy sidewalks for winter’s last hurrahs and bags of topsoil to spread in flower beds to welcome spring’s first blooms. This juxtaposition perfectly represents the unique place of March in the cycle of the year.
Father Felix’s Class On the Sacraments
I am attending a series of classes provided for catechists at St. Pius V in Jamaica, Queens, with Father Felix Sanchez. This particular class was part one of two parts on the sacraments. I prayed the Divine Praises and the Magnificat, to prepare myself for the class.
A Moving Experience At Mexico’s Las Niñas
I had no initial understanding of why I was going to Mexico. My parish pastor, Father Christopher M. O’Connor kindly extended an invitation to Giselle Ladino (a member of the parish) and I, sometime in late October.
When I Gave Up Dodgeball for Lent
Gym class in the 90’s was a mix of adrenaline-pumping bliss and heart-stopping drama. Games like dodgeball tested your physical prowess and eagle-eye attention. Be agile enough, and you can clonk your class rival in the head with the ball to get him out. Be woefully inattentive, and your face gets slammed with the ball.
New Mental Health Ministries Available
Since the suicide of his 29-year-old daughter Katie, who had bipolar disorder, Deacon Ed Shoener has made it his mission to reduce the stigma and misconceptions around mental illness in Church circles and to guide parishes in creating their own mental health ministries.
Defending Life in Ordinary Times
Each year, the March for Life is an opportunity to bear witness to the unique dignity of each human being made in the image of God with an irreplaceable part in the human family. Thousands join me on the cold streets of the nation’s capital to remind our leaders of their sacred obligation to defend innocent human life.
More Than 20,000 College Students SEEK The Truth
As the young students filled The Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis, each proudly representing their college as many of them waved flags with their school colors, you could cut the electricity with a knife.
Helping Us Move Past Our Sinful Lives
Over 55 years ago, when I was on retreat at Weston, the Jesuit philosophate and theologate in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I was surprised to hear music at a liturgy that I had not heard before. Liturgical folk music had been around for the several years since Vatican II had concluded, but it seemed to me to lack the vibrancy one might like.
How Do We Win the Abortion Battle?
For abortion’s opponents, it has been a frustrating year. When it came to the courts, the prolife movement scored its most significant victory when the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 reversed its 1973 decision calling abortion a constitutional right.