Dear Editor: Re: George Weigel’s column, “Progressive Catholic Authoritarianism” (July 16), the “penchant for misrepresentation and calumny” is hardly new in the history of the Church. Just look at Peter and Paul, the theological disputes in the early councils, or Bernard and Abelard. That’s what happens when people believe with deep convictions. In time, they all serve the divine purpose.
Thomas Merton

New Documentary Marks Centenary of Merton’s Birth
Morgan Atkinson’s new documentary on Thomas Merton, the famed Trappist monk from the Cistercian abbey in Gethsemani, Ky., was “40 years in the making,” he joked.

Operating in the Care of Strangers
This is my Lenten reflection: We can never be strangers. We all are part of God’s family.