Christianity, of course, is founded on the discovery of an empty tomb. Perhaps it’s only fitting, therefore, that Christ’s vicar on earth now has his own “empty tomb” ferment on his hands.
Theodore McCarrick
At Bishops Summit, Filling McCarrick’s Chair Signals Hope for Change
For some observers, it was a welcome sign that even in an archaic institution, change is possible. Yet for others, it remains to be seen whether such change is more than mere symbolism.
Retired US Bishop Likely to Face Vatican Trial for Multiple Acts of Abuse
At a time when the U.S. Catholic bishops are meeting to vote on new measures for bishop accountability, Pope Francis has given the green light for a penal process for a retired U.S. bishop accused of multiple accounts of abuse.
Ex-Seminarian’s Struggle Shows ‘Overlapping Jurisdictions’ Gap in Abuse Crisis
Seventeen years ago, a young foreign-born seminarian was packing his bags for the opportunity of a lifetime. During a chance meeting at a Labor Day BBQ, the highly influential and now disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick encouraged him to transfer to Washington, D.C., where he enrolled in the Theological College, the national seminary located at Catholic University of America.
Pope’s Latest Press Conference a Study in the Dog That Didn’t Bark
A large part of the reason news organizations are willing to pay the exorbitant costs of traveling aboard the papal plane with Pope Francis has nothing to do with the trip itself – it’s about the press conference at the end.
In New Interview, Pope Francis Says He ‘Knew Nothing’ About McCarrick
McCarrick was removed from the college of cardinals last year, after he was alleged to have abused both minors and seminarians.
McCarrick Correspondence Confirms Restrictions, Speaks to Wuerl and China
Correspondence obtained by Crux from an ex-aide to Theodore McCarrick, the former cardinal laicized over charges of sexual misconduct and abuse, confirms that restrictions on McCarrick were imposed by the Vatican in 2008.
US Bishops Laud Pope’s Call to Defrock McCarrick as ‘Just,’ ‘Determined’
Pope Francis’s historic decision to defrock former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Saturday prompted an immediate wave of responses from U.S. prelates, who lauded the decision.