ANALYSIS: With the Death of Pope Benedict XVI, Church Loses its ‘Catholic of the Century’

In 1997, American journalist and Wall Street Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitny published a biography of Pope John Paul II, now St. John Paul, titled Man of the Century. By that, Kwitny didn’t necessarily mean the Polish pope was the greatest man of the 20th century, but that no one’s life story better recapitulated the great dramas of the time, from the unraveling of the Austro-Hungarian Empire his father had served as an army officer to the rise and fall of both Nazism and Soviet Communism and the emergence of a newly globalized world.

U.S. Catholic Leaders Mourn Pope Benedict’s Death

Bishop Robert Brennan of Brooklyn has asked the diocese to join him in prayer for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, remembering him as an intellectual and holy man who “deeply loved God and served the Church generously throughout his whole life.” 

Notable Quotes From Pope Benedict XVI

Here is a collection of notable quotes from Pope Benedict XVI from homilies, documents, messages and speeches from 2005 to 2013, the years he served as pope. They are grouped according to subject.