Africa’s Catholic Moment

According to an old Vatican aphorism, “We think in centuries here,” and viewed through that long-distance lens, the most important Catholic event of 2014 was the dramatic moment when Africa’s bishops emerged as effective, powerful proponents of dynamic orthodoxy in the world Church. The scene was the Extraordinary Synod of 2014, called by Pope Francis […]

The Lessons of 2014

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In the last issue of The Tablet for 2014, the questions are always posed to me to look back on the year which has just passed and emphasize the lessons which, perhaps, we have learned. Like all years, this past year has contained challenges and surprises, joys […]

‘Annus Horribilis’

Our city, and indeed the nation, is reeling from the assassinations of two New York City police officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. These two officers of the law, both married, with the 40-year-old Ramos having two sons and Liu being recently married, were gunned down for no reason other than the fact that they […]

Pope Wants Church to Foster More Inclusion

By Francis X. Rocca VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis said that the Catholic Church must consider various ways to integrate the divorced and civilly remarried in the life of the Church – not merely allowing them to receive Communion, but letting them serve as eucharistic ministers and godparents – and to make it easier for […]

Bishops Receive Questions for Synod

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – To help set the agenda for the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family, the Vatican is sending the world’s Catholic bishops’ conferences a list of questions on a range of topics, including matters of marriage and sexuality that proved especially controversial at the 2014 family synod. Together with the final […]

A Modern Synod is Needed For a Modern Family

By Kelly Bothum I will be honest – the recent Synod of Bishops on the family was not a topic of discussion at my family’s dinner table. Finding half an hour for our family of five to scarf down the latest concoction in the slow cooker before we splinter off to the next band practice, […]

Prelates Talk About A Tale of Two Synods

By Mark Pattison BALTIMORE (CNS) – October’s extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family was just one event, but “a tale of two synods” emerged from it, according to the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Speaking to reporters Nov. 10 after the morning session of the USCCB’s annual fall general assembly […]

The Truth

Dear Editor: I would like to make some comments about Peter Farley’s letter, (Nov. 1). Mr. Farley’s remarks about “Conservatives” do not make sense to me. If you profess to being a Roman Catholic, then that is indeed what you are – not a conservative, a traditionalist, a liberal, etc.; you are a member of […]

The Spirit Breathes

Dear Editor: Re: the extraordinary Synod. First of all, the only conclusion that it came to was to end Oct. 18. The Holy Father will study all the recommendations and will give the official results next year before the Ordinary Synod in October. All are welcome into the Church. No one was ever rejected because […]

Did the Pope Get What He Wanted from Synod?

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Since the end of the Oct. 5-19 Synod of Bishops on the family, news outlets have portrayed the outcome as a “setback” or “loss” for Pope Francis – even a “rebuke” to him.