Finding the Peace That Comes From True Prayer

Last week our focus shifted to the end times, to the “Day of the Lord” anticipated by the ancient Israelites, and us their spiritual successors who joyfully await the Second Coming.

The Day of Judgment Brings Son of Man to Us

At the end of today’s Gospel, the Lord asks an ominous question, one that resounds through all of salvation history: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

With Baptism We Are Cleansed of Original Sin

Today’s first reading offers us a powerful story of an unlikely character, Naaman the Syrian, coming to faith. At the same time, however, it’s the story of every baptism.

Are Our Prayer Intentions For a Need or a Want?

One of the great joys of my life, second to being a priest, is being an uncle. Having young children in one’s family can be a deeply enriching and gratifying experience.

Poverty Can Be That Feeling of Powerlessness

This weekend’s Gospel story is a familiar one for us. A nameless rich man was living lavishly and well, without regard nor compassion to the poor and sickly Lazarus situated by his door.