It’s Impossible to Know Jesus and Not Follow Him

Just before my ordination 15 years ago, one of my aunts gave me a beautiful gift — a framed image of Jesus with a Spanish inscription: “A Jesucristo es imposible conocerle y no amarle, amarle y no seguirle.”

Planting Our Hearts In The Truth of Jesus Christ

“Tell me who you walk with and I’ll tell you who you are.” My father said these words to me very often in my youth, and I’m sure other wise fathers have said similar words to other knucklehead sons.

Would There Be Enough Evidence to Convict You?

Last Sunday’s Gospel told us how Jesus, moved with pity at the crowds who were like sheep without a shepherd, commissioned the apostles, saying, “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons.”

Wanting to Know More About the Twelve Apostles

The Gospels don’t give us very many biographical details about the Twelve Apostles, and this biblical scholar — among others — wishes there were more. In Sunday’s Gospel they are identified by name as those who answered Jesus’ call to work in the abundant harvest of the Gospel.

Keeping the Commitment to Living Out the Faith

As the youngest and the only adopt¬ed child in an immigrant family, my primary years were spent experienc¬ing members of our household leaving the only place I used to call home. One by one I watched them leave for the United States.