It’s Time to Begin the Season of Advent

The imagery in today’s Gospel from Saint Luke should sound a bit familiar. Saint Mark’s version of the same discourse was the Gospel two Sunday’s ago. Although there are some differences, the basic message is the same: Stay alert, Christ is coming again at a time that we cannot predict.

Christ the King

Our acclamation of Christ as King today demands its implicit awareness that we are, by that very proclamation, servants, called to obedience.

Real Giving Brings Its Own Reward

Real giving, like Christ’s ultimate gift of self on the Cross, comes from the heart’s sense of purpose and brings its own reward.

‘For the Son of Man Did Not Come to be Served, but to Serve’

Our journey to holiness is a life-long one that requires constant attentiveness to our human weaknesses. Humility is a key part of our spiritual life. It is through his gift of God that we recognize our failings and begin to perfect the imperfect.

Clear Priorities Point A Path to Happiness

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Beautiful and the Damned” is the story of a young socialite couple that lives recklessly in pursuit of happiness. Their story turns tragic as their marriage disintegrates under the weight of their expectations, jealousy, and aimlessness.

Nurture a Friendship With Him and Never Be Alone

Occasionally, people ask me whether priestly celibacy leads to loneliness. Sometimes, they even quote that same passage: “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Without entering into the theological discussions of celibacy and the century of church teachings on the issue, I reply to them, quite honestly, that I have never felt alone as a priest.

Benefits of Doing Things For Well-Being of Others

Immediately after being ordained as a deacon, my classmates and I were sent on a missionary experience to the Dominican Republic in a village about two hours away outside the city of San Juan. It was an exciting and somewhat intimidating experience since it was an unfamiliar environment with its own unique challenges. However, we were looking forward to exercising our ministry just weeks after taking our promises to serve the Church.