Belief in the Resurrection Comes From Our Hearts

No one can prove the Resurrection for us.  There is no adequate scientific explanation.  Yet all we need to make the leap of faith surrounds us — if we are simply willing to listen with our hearts.

The Highest Law Is The Salvation of Souls

There is no doubt that at the heart of the religious experience is salvation:  God’s hope that all be saved coupled with man’s need to live in a way that claims the prize already won. 

Casting the First Stone Cancels Second Chances

Sometimes God works in comforting ways.  While I was Rector-Principal at Cathedral Prep the administration often had to face the dilemma of students needing to be removed for academic reasons.

The Return of the Prodigal Son Returns

Once again, we come to the most famous of all of the parables of Our Lord in Saint Luke’s Gospel, that of the Prodigal Son. No less than Charles Dickens declared this as the greatest short story ever written.

‘To Repent and Believe In the Gospel’

The Gospel we proclaim this Sunday offers a simple message, a message that is at both the heart of the liturgical season of Lent and, perhaps even more importantly, the basics of the Gospel: “REPENT!”

The Transfiguration Reassures Our Faith

As in all things, when we read a passage presented to us in the lectionary from the Holy Gospel, we need to place it into the proper context. If we read this particular passage from the Gospel according to the Evangelist Saint Luke, we might get a bit confused.

The Lenten Season Offers A Look at Jesus’ Nature

The gospel reading presented to us for the First Sunday of Lent is rather familiar to all of us — Our Lord’s temptation in the desert. In fact, in every cycle of the lectionary (recall that the “A” cycle offers us Matthew’s Gospel, the “B” cycle offers us that of Mark, and in the “C” cycle, which we are in this liturgical year, we are reading from the Gospel of Luke), this important event in the life of Jesus the Christ is proclaimed.

Gospel Has Beautiful Image of Leadership

No disciple is superior to the teacher, but when fully trained every disciple will be like his teacher. All of us are on a journey, led by the Shepherd, Jesus Christ, as he leads us to the Father’s house.