Our True Power Lies in Our Interdependence

Reflecting on the readings for this weekend’s Mass brings to mind a strong memory from my past, a moment of profound revelation about the power of community and the boundless strength found in unity.

Fear, as Reverential Awe, Places Us Closer to Jesus

The English language can be very complicated for foreigners who are trying to learn it. We have words that sound alike but mean different things (to, two, and too) and other words that are spelled similarly but pronounced differently (enough and through). There are even times when one word can mean very different things depending upon their usage.

God Knows We Are Not Perfect, And He Loves Us

In 2015, Sony Films released “War Room,” which became the seventh highest grossing Christian film despite very mixed reviews. The film centers around the Jordan family, a seemingly “happy” family.

Christ Did Not Rise to Condemn but to Inspire

As any teacher can attest, you can always tell when a student is guilty of some infraction. Few, if any, are capable of not wearing the word “guilt” on their facial expressions.

Celebrating the Realness of Christ’s Resurrection

I have to admit that I am not a big fan of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” the musical. Perhaps it is my own personal inclinations, my own disposition, but something about Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s “rock opera musical” I really don’t like.

Be Saved Through the Eucharist and Penance

On this fifth Sunday of Lent, we read from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah. Our loving and just God speaks, through the prophet, about the nature of the Covenant.

The Lord Wants to Talk To You; Will You Be Attentive?

This third chapter of the Gospel of John is a curious one. In it, we have the Lord’s dialogue with Nicodemus. They meet at night. You might note that this dialogue quickly becomes a monologue between Nicodemus and Jesus quite soon after it begins.