The sound of laughter has returned to summer camps and programs across the Diocese of Brooklyn.

The sound of laughter has returned to summer camps and programs across the Diocese of Brooklyn.
The sound of laughter has returned to summer camps and programs across the Diocese of Brooklyn. Here’s a list of Summer Camps throughout Brooklyn and Queens.
Camp Felix is a monthlong overnight summer camp in Putnam Valley, N.Y., about an hour’s drive north of New York City. It was co-founded 14 years ago by the New York Foundling, one of the state’s oldest and largest child welfare human service agencies. It was founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1869.
The Tablet proudly presents this special pullout section with valuable information on Camps and Summer Programs for families in Brooklyn and Queens.
Dear Editor: Having grown up a half mile from a large swimmable lake, I never went to summer camp. But I can appreciate Kene Nzelu’s comprehensive review (Sept. 23) of the in’s and out’s of day camp versus sleepaway. I recommend parents and kids read the whole article.
Cathedral Prep School and Seminary – The Father Troike Summer Leadership Program