Saviour Softball Star Mirrors Yanks’ Slugger

At first glance, seeing the name “Texeira” penciled into the cleanup spot in the St. Saviour H.S., Park Slope, varsity softball lineup might spark some confusion. “Wait a second, what is the New York Yankees’ first baseman doing playing high school softball?” you may wonder. But actually, the St. Saviour Pandas have their own version […]

Coaches vs. Cancer in the CHSAA

Sometimes the best medicine for someone battling cancer is partaking in one’s passion. For three CHSAA coaches who were diagnosed with breast cancer, coaching was the passion that allowed them to stay strong throughout their treatment. Of course, the medical forms of treatment were crucial to saving these coaches’ lives, but these coaches will all […]

Obituary: Sister Martha Marie Healy, S.S.N.D.

Sister Martha Marie Healy, S.S.N.D., a teacher, school principal and pastoral minister for more than 50 years in the greater New York area, died of complications from a fall on Dec. 31, 2012 at Our Lady of Consolation Nursing and Rehabilitative Care Center, West Islip, L.I. She was 84 and had been a professed member […]

Obituary — Sister Mary McCormack, S.S.N.D.

Sister Mary McCormack, S.S.N.D., 92, who taught school for 34 years in New York state and Massachusetts and spent another three decades in administrative ministries, died Oct. 14 at Lourdes Health Care Center, Wilton, Conn. She had been a professed member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame for 72 years. Born in Massachusetts, her […]

Setting a Positive Example As Colleen Queen 2012

by Antonina Zielinska Having attended the Irish Fair most years of her young life, Taylor Powers had great admiration for the Colleen Queens that reigned over the fair each year. “I remember them walking around the fair with their sash, and I wanted to be like them,” she said. Although it was her childhood aspiration, […]

Contest Raises Saviourites’ Awareness About Drunk Driving

Junior Olivia Boisrand and freshman Olivia Calamia of St. Saviour H.S., Park Slope, were the winners of an annual essay contest co-sponsored by their school and Duffy Funeral Home, Park Slope. The theme of the contest was the dangers of driving while intoxicated, which was established to raise students’ awareness about real-life issues. For the […]

Tablet TALK

  St. Saviour Swimmer Honored St. Saviour H.S., Park Slope, recent graduate Taylor Powers of Breezy Point was awarded the school’s prestigious Sister Mary Joseph Sportsmanship Award at the school’s annual sports awards ceremony. Powers also received the swim team’s “Career Swimmer” award for her four years on the team.   From Here to Haiti […]