Yes, Brooklyn, there is a Santa Claus. His name is Thomas Neve and last weekend, he brought Christmas to nearly 1,000 disadvantaged boys and girls.

Yes, Brooklyn, there is a Santa Claus. His name is Thomas Neve and last weekend, he brought Christmas to nearly 1,000 disadvantaged boys and girls.
This week’s Tablet TALK highlights two new saints and some beloved parents in Woodside, an update on a Dyker Heights girl who was blessed by the pope and hopes to walk again, a Mass honoring the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary and much, much more.
This week’s Tablet TALK highlights a Sisters of Mercy-sponsored sock drive for veterans, a night of recollection with Father Charles and Laurie Mangano, diocesan bereavement resources and much, much more.
The 61 new lay leaders from 37 parishes will coordinate new or existing parish ministries.
Elena J. Papa, 93, a longtime parishioner and teacher in St. Mary Mother of Jesus parish, Bensonhurst, died May 1. She taught fourth and fifth grades in St. Mary Mother of Jesus School for 25 years until she retired in 1982. A funeral Mass was concelebrated by Msgr. Andrew J. Vaccari, St. Mary Mother of […]