Three men who heard God’s calling to the priesthood moved one step closer to their goal when they were ordained as traditional deacons in a July 10 Mass at St. Luke’s Church.

Three men who heard God’s calling to the priesthood moved one step closer to their goal when they were ordained as traditional deacons in a July 10 Mass at St. Luke’s Church.
“God has big plans for you!” was recalled as the iconic quote of Msgr. John Tosi, the former pastor of 15 years at St. Luke’s Church in Whitestone. On a sunny Friday afternoon, crowds gathered outside the Queens church on May 21 to witness one plan that God had in store to remember the late priest’s life: the unveiling of the street sign co-named after him.
Saint Mel’s parish, Flushing, held the traditional Good Friday’s Processione del Cristo Morto e dell’Addolorata (Procession with the Dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows).
In the same spirit as on their wedding days, more than 100 husbands and wives rededicated themselves to each other at the annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass, June 9.
“Called by Name” was the theme of the day at St. Luke’s, Whitestone. Students were asked to listen and consider their future lives in the Church.
After joyously entering the Church at the Easter Vigil, the question on the minds of many newly initiated Catholics is: What comes next?
The Borgetto Cultural Association S.S. Addolorata del Romitello, Inc. and its Brotherhood of Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows conducted its annual Good Friday procession from St. Mel’s Church, Flushing, to St Luke’s, Whitestone.
Holy Week events that took place throughout the diocese.
St. Luke Church in Whitestone had the tremendous blessing and honor to have nine altar servers installed on Sunday, March 18 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass.
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