Two Brooklyn Pilgrim Destinations

Above, 80 students and faculty of Chaminade H.S., Mineola, L.I., went on a pilgrimage to the Cathedral Basilica of St. James in Downtown Brooklyn. The group took the Long Island Railroad from Mineola to Atlantic Ave. and then walked to the cathedral. The rector, Msgr. John Strynkowski, greeted the group and gave an explanation of […]

Students Honored for Mission Sunday Contributions

Last Sunday at St. James Cathedral-Basilica in Downtown Brooklyn, the Propagation of the Faith Office conducted its annual World Mission Sunday event as schoolchildren from the diocese were honored for their donations to the missions.

Ed Wilkinson

Students Honored for Donating to Missions

World Mission Sunday used to be celebrated with parades and pageantry. Kids would dress up as their favorite saints and missionaries. There would be processions through the streets.

Couples Celebrate 6,309 Years of Marriage

More than 160 local couples celebrated significant wedding anniversaries with Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at the annual diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration, April 26.

Bishop DiMarzio Distributes Ashes At St. James

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio began Lent with the distribution of ashes at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. He said that during the 40 days of preparation for Easter: “We must pray, we must fast and we must perform works of charity. Truly this is the heart and soul of what Lent is all about.”

Ten Transitional Deacons On Their Way to Priesthood (with slideshow)

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio ordained 12 men to the diaconate as a final step before they will be ordained priests next spring. The ordination took place Aug. 31 at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. Auxiliary Bishops Octavio Cisneros, Paul Sanchez and Raymond Chappetto also attended along with priests, deacons, families and friends of the newly-ordained. The […]

Good Friday in Downtown Brooklyn

More than 3,000 people participated in the annual Way of the Cross in Downtown Brooklyn conducted by the Catholic movement, Communion and Liberation.  Participants gathered at St. James Cathedral-Basilica where they were greeted by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.  After the First Station at the cathedral, the march proceeded across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan and then […]

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Priests Are Called to Serve with Humility

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The following is the full text of the homily preached by Bishop DiMarzio at the Chrism Mass held Tuesday, March 26 at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn. We have passed through one of the most eventful Lents in our lifetime. Six weeks ago yesterday, the great teacher-pope, […]

Latin Mass in Brooklyn (with slideshow)

For the first time since the Second Vatican Council, a Pontifical Solemn Mass in Latin was celebrated by a bishop at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn (See The Edior’s Space, Page 12). Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Secretary of the Bishops Conference of Kazakhstan, was the celebrant of the Jan. 5 liturgy sponsored by the Society of […]

Jesus’ African Roots

by Antonina Zielinska, To celebrate the Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt, a largely Nigerian congregation joined Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Feb. 5 at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn, for a bilingual Mass. During his homily, the bishop stressed the importance of accepting the fact that God allows suffering in the world. He asked the […]