St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, hosted its annual summer classic for the 33rd year in the parish’s schoolyard. The tournament, a tradition in the Rockaways, began as a series of pick-up games in the mid-1980s.

St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, hosted its annual summer classic for the 33rd year in the parish’s schoolyard. The tournament, a tradition in the Rockaways, began as a series of pick-up games in the mid-1980s.
On May 2, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and the New York Blood Center recognized the parishes, schools and individuals in Brooklyn and Queens who made significant contributions to the 2016 blood drive campaign.
PASTOR Rev. William F. Sweeney, from parochial vicar to pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, effective June 30. ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Christopher R. Heanue, from parochial vicar, to administrator of Holy Child Jesus, Richmond Hill, effective April 1. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Carlos C. Velasquez, from parochial vicar of St. Sebastian, Woodside, to parochial vicar […]
Green was everywhere as Irish pride was on full display for all to see at the 42nd annual Rockaway St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 4. One of the earliest parades, it kicks off the season with a strong display of bands, school children and the bright green and gold of Irish pride.
The former Rockaway pastor who was acclaimed for organizing relief efforts following Superstorm Sandy has died.
This year, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy in Belle Harbor rolled out a state-of-the-art 1:1 Chromebook initiative in grades five through eight. Each content area is facilitated through Google Classroom and are fluidly integrated with every student’s Chromebook.
The 2016 Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) fall soccer season wrapped up recently at Aviator Sports Complex, Marine Park.
The following members of the Diocese of Brooklyn were invested into the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Nov. 18 by Cardinal Edward O’Brien at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan:
Here are the times for local parishioners who participated in the New York City Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 5
Anyone who has recently lost a loved one is invited to attend a Memorial Prayer Service in the Sacred Heart Chapel of St. Francis de Sales Church, Belle Harbor, on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 11 a.m.