Sister Helen Anne Ebbitt, R.S.M., 83, a Sister of Mercy of the Americas Mid-Atlantic Community for 65 years, died July 2 at the Sisters of Mercy Convent, Whitestone.
St. Brigid – Bushwick Brooklyn

Excitement Reigned as Local WYD Pilgrims Prepared for Takeoff
The last group of pilgrims from the Diocese of Brooklyn gathered at John F. Kennedy Airport to fly to Poland for World Youth Day on July 25. Despite weather delays, pilgrims remained upbeat and hopeful to live out their faith with millions of other young Catholics.

Bushwick Youth Gear Up to Pray with Pope
Young people from St. Brigid Church, Bushwick, will be among the 400 pilgrims from the Diocese of Brooklyn who would head to this year’s World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, July 26-31.

65 New Lay Leaders Are Ready to Serve
The Diocese of Brooklyn commissioned 65 new lay leaders from 34 parishes at a bilingual Mass at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, Jamaica. The night was also a celebration of the years of service that catechists and ministers devoted to the Diocese of Brooklyn. Special recognition was given to Sister Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., for her 40 years of service to the diocese.

Diocese Honors Those Who Gave Their Blood
At a reception in Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio honored the parishes that have made significant contributions to the New York Blood Center over the past year.

Local Mexicans Cheer Pope’s Visit to Homeland
Enthusiasm and hope are brimming among Mexican Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens over Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to their native country, Feb. 12-17. That faith and excitement will be palpable at St. Brigid Church in Bushwick this Saturday evening, Feb. 6, when Mexican Catholics in the diocese will hold a 7 p.m. Mass to pray for the Holy Father and his intentions in Mexico.

Retired Prison Chaplain Dies at 82 in Florida
A Mass of Christian Burial for Father John H. Wilkinson, 82, a senior priest of the diocese, was celebrated Nov. 30 in the chapel at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston. He died Nov. 23 in Venice, Florida, where he was living in retirement.
Father John Wilkinson Dies in Florida at 82
Father John Wilkinson, 82, a diocesan senior priest living in retirement in Florida, died Nov. 23. His last assignment in the diocese was at St. Brigid’s, Bushwick, 2002-04.
Bringing New Life to The New Evangelization
I took a walk through Bushwick to view some of the street art that has been rapidly filling up the walls of the factories and local business. I’m talking legitimate art, not illegal graffiti. You can stroll along Wilson or Willoughby Ave. or you can walk down Bogart or Ten Eyck Street. The murals that have been spray painted on the exteriors of the buildings are very evident. They are expressive, colorful and magnificent.

Unity-Unidad Was Theme of Youth Rally in Bensonhurst
Scores of Catholics filled the streets around St. Athanasius Church, Bensonhurst, as they celebrated a bilingual night of adoration June 19. The youth event, titled “Unity.Unidad,” featured multi-cultural components to highlight the beauty of Christian unity.