Though it was not a straightforward path to the priesthood for Polish-born Father Kamil Bober, 27, he believes God himself guided him.

Though it was not a straightforward path to the priesthood for Polish-born Father Kamil Bober, 27, he believes God himself guided him.
Polish-born Father Szymon Galazyn, 35, did not expect to end up in the United States.
Polish-born Father Lukasz Kubiak, 38, always loved the idea of having a big family, but never expected it would include over a million people in a diocese 4,000 miles from home.
Four days before his 36th birthday, Father Jaroslaw Szeraszewicz will follow in the footsteps of his hero, Pope St. John Paul II, and be ordained to the priesthood.
Msgr. Thomas Machalski – who has worked with then-Father Witold Mroziewski in the Polish Apostolate and the Tribunal – describes him as compassionate and concerned about people’s spiritual well being.
A missionary spirit brought Polish-born Father Lukasz Lech, 30, to the Brooklyn Diocese, where he hopes to build bridges between God and His people.