Catholic Migration Services conducted the first of two awards dinners Friday, Sept. 30, at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Coney Island to honor the recipients of this year’s Shining Star Awards.

Catholic Migration Services conducted the first of two awards dinners Friday, Sept. 30, at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Coney Island to honor the recipients of this year’s Shining Star Awards.
Albert and Elaine Tontoh spend their weekends serving the church in song. Albert plays the keyboard and Elaine leads the choir at St. Catherine of Genoa Church in East Flatbush.
Catholic Migration Services of the Diocese of Brooklyn honored 30 individuals as Shining Stars. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and Father Patrick Keating, CEO of Catholic Migration Services presented the awards Oct. 12 and 19 at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Coney Island during two evenings of dining and dancing.
Catholic Migration Services conducted the first of two Shining Stars Dinners Oct. 6. The annual affair honors the contributions made by members of the ethnic apostolates to the Church and the community.
Ruth Samalca-Manligoy and Deacon LeRoy Branch Jr. are shining examples of faith and service in the Brooklyn Diocese, and that’s why they were selected as two of the diocese’s Shining Stars this fall.
Representatives of 26 ethnic ministries in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens were honored at the 2015 Shining Star Award Dinner, presented by Catholic Migration Services, this fall.
For the past 12 years, the Shining Stars Awards dinner has been conducted by the diocesan Catholic Migration Services to honor the contributions to the Church and community by immigrants. It has become so popular that each year there are now two dinners to accommodate all the people who want to attend.