Following an investigation by the Archdiocese of New York, allegations of sexual abuse against retired Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., have been deemed “credible and substantiated.”
sexual abuse
Abuse Victim Says Pope Told Him God Loves Him
An abuse survivor, who had been disparaged for being a homosexual, said that Pope Francis told him that God made him that way and loved him for who he was.
Cardinal Dolan Says Pope Was ‘Conservative, Orthodox’ With Abuse Survivor
Pope Francis’ reported comment to a Chilean sexual abuse survivor, “That you are gay doesn’t matter,” has made major headlines in recent days – and on Tuesday, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York affirmed the comments, saying “Jesus would have said that.”
What Do You Say to One Abused by a Priest?
“You want to know why I don’t go to church anymore, look at the front page of the New York Post!” I was taken aback as a groom I was preparing for marriage called me and said that to me. I had not read the Post, so I asked him to hold on for a moment and I asked a retired priest I was living with for his copy.
The Seven Pillars of Priesthood
I take my cue from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, who over the years of his Pontificate has annunciated what we might call the “Seven Pillars” on which the priesthood depends if it will faithfully and fruitfully serve God’s people.
Waiving Statutes in Ga. Would Affect Church, But Not State
Georgia lawmakers are considering waiving the statutes of limitations on civil lawsuits claiming sexual abuse of young people against nonprofits and businesses, but not government agencies or public schools.
Pope Francis Heads to Chile Indigenous Area After Churches Burned
Looking to put Chile’s sex abuse scandal behind him, Pope Francis dives Wednesday into another divisive issue roiling the South American nation: the plight of the indigenous Mapuche and their long-running conflicts with government authorities.
Priest Commits Suicide After Charges Are Made
A priest being investigated for “excessive and questionable” communications with a minor and possible misuse of church funds committed suicide, the bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, said.
Diocese Names 13 Priest-Abusers
As part of its ongoing effort to protect children, the Diocese of Brooklyn has posted on its website the names of 13 men who had been ordained priests but have now been returned to the lay state because of sexual abuse incidents.
Rockville Centre Announces Compensation Fund for Those Sexually Abused by Clergy
The Diocese of Rockville Centre announced the establishment of the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) for survivors of sexual abuse by clergy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. The IRCP allows survivors of sexual abuse by priests or deacons of the diocese to seek financial compensation.