Ukrainians Pray for Independence

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The three months of protests in Ukraine, that ended with government snipers killing dozens of people, strengthened the commitment to democracy of many Ukrainians, but also left the country vulnerable to further violence and division, said the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. “The danger that our neighbor (Russia) will provoke […]

US Bishops Applaud Deal With Iran

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The interim multilateral accord that could put the brakes on Iran’s nuclear development program is a steppingstone for a long-range deal that “enhances genuine peace in the region,” according to Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace. In a letter […]

Pope and Putin Talk Primarily About Peace

By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Peace in the Middle East, particularly the ongoing war in Syria, topped the agenda Nov. 25 as Pope Francis welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Vatican. The Russian president “conveyed the greetings of (Russian Orthodox) Patriarch Kirill, but there was not a discussion of ecumenical relations,” said […]

US Bishops Meet – Cardinal Dolan Warns About Persecution Of the Church Around the World

by Dennis Sadowski BALTIMORE (CNS) – New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan called upon his brother bishops to champion the cause of people around the world being persecuted because of their faith even as the bishops continue to prevent what he described as infringements upon religious practice in the U.S. In his final address as […]

The Sept. 19 issue of the Italian journal La Civilta Cattolica, which contains a 12,000-word interview with Pope Francis in which he mentions the works of Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Merisi da Carvaggio and Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Pope as Film Critic: Mention of a Fellini Favorite Makes Headlines Too

by Kurt Jensen Never has passing praise of a Federico Fellini film drawn so much attention. The bulk of the recent interview with Pope Francis by Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, editor of the Italian journal La Civilta Cattolica, concerned how the Holy Father’s experience as a member of the Society of Jesus informs his papacy. […]

Pope Leads Prayers for Peace

by Francis X. Rocca VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Leading a crowd in prayer for peace in Syria, Pope Francis said that war is ultimately caused by selfishness, which can be overcome only through expressions of fraternity and never with violence. “Leave behind the self-interest that hardens your heart, overcome the indifference that makes your heart […]

Religious Leaders Do Not Support Bombing Syria

WASHINGTON (CNS) – As speculation mounted about Western air strikes on Syria, a committee of U.S. bishops called for a political solution, and Catholic leaders in Europe warned military intervention could lead to an escalation of hostilities. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International […]

Pope Francis Meets the King of Jordan

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As international leaders increasingly discussed the possibility of some form of armed intervention in Syria, the Vatican announced Pope Francis would interrupt the last week of his summer break in order to meet Aug. 29 with Jordan’s King Abdullah II. Jordan and Syria share a border, and Jordan […]

On the Olympic Controversy

by Jonathan Luxmoore WARSAW, Poland (CNS) — Calls for an Olympic boycott because of a Russian law banning “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” have become “highly politicized,” said an official of the Russian bishops’ conference. Msgr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary-general of the bishops’ conference, said the Catholic Church would not be adopting an official stance on […]