End-of-Life Decisions

Dear Editor: Thank you for reporting on “A Catholic Look at End of Life Issues,” (Nov. 12). It is a very important and all too avoided subject. Compassion and Choices (the agency directing the physician-assisted suicide movement) has run a tremendously successful campaign to devalue human life when its truly vulnerable – that is sinful.

To Richmond Hill Parish, A Child Is Born

Father Christopher Heanue reflects on how God invited the people of Holy Child Jesus parish, Richmond Hill, to rejoice in the gift of life when a healthy newborn baby boy was left in the parish manger.

Pro-Lifers Condemn Shooting Near Clinic

A priest who celebrates Mass every Friday morning on a sidewalk near the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted by a lone gunman Nov. 27 said the shooter’s actions were the antithesis of the pro-life cause.

Choose Life Everyday

Because God creates every living being, he knows everything about each one of us. He knows our favorite color, our favorite band, every emotion we feel and so many more of our quirks and qualities.

He’ll Run for Life at Philadelphia Marathon

While NYC Marathon runners will hit the city streets this weekend, Whitestone resident Brendan Flynn still has three weeks to train for the Philadelphia Marathon – and he’s running for a cause close to his heart.

Lutherans, Catholics Join Disgust at PP’s Practices

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson of St. Louis, Miss., and the Rev. Matthew C. Harrison, president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, released a joint statement expressing shock and concern at Planned Parenthood’s harvesting parts of aborted babies, and affirmed their commitment to help foster the culture of life.

Society Has Misdefined Value of Human Dignity

As Catholics we believe that respect for life is rooted in human dignity. But lately I’ve noticed that the definition of dignity is often turned upside-down, especially in our conversations about end-of-life issues…

Using Technology to Humanize Unborn Life

Ultrasound technology was in its early days when my wife and I were having children. I couldn’t tell top from bottom. The doctors could, though. It became possible for the first time to tell the sex of the baby before it was born.

Charlotte, NC, Pro-Lifers Rally at Planned Parenthood

An estimated 400 people packed the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood’s Charlotte Health Center, making it the largest pro-life event in western North Carolina that participants said they have seen in recent memory.