U.S. Bishops Urge Caution On Republican-Backed Healthcare Bill

The United States bishops are urging caution on the proposed Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill that is currently scheduled for a Senate vote next week. Four bishops from pro-life, migration, religious liberty, and justice and human development committees sent on a letter on Thursday rejecting the partisan bill and its rushed timeline.

The Option of Adoption Gives the Gift of Life

by Kathleen M. Gallagher

My friend Mary is one-of-a-kind. She is a retired police lieutenant from suburban Long Island, where we both grew up. Today Mary has relocated to a rural hamlet in the northernmost county of New York State. She owns a 300+ acre farm that includes goats, cows, horses, a donkey, two dogs, and lots of chickens, some of whom occasionally roam through the farmhouse.

A Pro-Life Hero

Dear Editor: Every Saturday morning, together with my pro-life friends, I see a man probably in his 50s or early 60s, obviously not among the elite of our society, going into the McDonald’s located next to the building where we pray on the sidewalk for the life of the unborn who are destined to be slaughtered in that building right alongside the McDonald’s restaurant.

“Fake Clinics”

On July 15, the New York Daily News reported that Democratic Councilman Peter Koo of Flushing has given close to $24,000 in donations to Bridge to Life, a not-for-profit organization which provides counseling to over 4,000 women who are in need, giving them free pregnancy tests, donations of maternity and baby clothes and supplies and referrals to housing and other services.

Prayer for Life at Kings Plaza

A pro-life Rosary Rally was held outside Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin on Sunday evening, July 9.

Relief in Sight on HHS Mandate

A leaked draft rule from the Department of Health and Human Services exempting religious groups from the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act was welcomed by church officials and attorneys representing the Little Sisters of the Poor, one group that challenged the mandate at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Exodus of Pro-Life Dems

Dear Editor: President Trump spoke eloquently and sincerely about horrific facts of the Holocaust. He made profound statements, some of which should become integral parts of our humanity and conscience. Although he was discussing Nazi attempts to “extinguish human life,” by murdering six million Jews, Trump’s words apply to all genocide and the abortion of millions of American babies since Roe v. Wade. He emphasized that “we must confront the face of evil,” “never shrink from telling the truth,” and should “emphasize dignity of human life.”

Ed Wilkinson

Democrats’ Anti-Life Stand Continues to Alienate People

Our first Letter to the Editor this week says it all. The recent statement by the newly elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee clearly states the position of the party when it comes to the life issue.

Pro-Life, Pro-Woman

Dear Editor: I attended the Women’s March several weeks ago in Manhattan. I proudly carried my sign reading, “Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Anti-Trump.” I marched for three hours and was treated in a respectful and friendly manner by all.

Health Deserves Better

Sanctity of life is the single most important issue that we face in our nation today. No life is more vulnerable than the child in the womb. And that life must be protected.