College Students Urged To Help Change Hearts, Minds About Abortion

The nation’s early feminists who fought for women’s suffrage and other rights totally rejected abortion, Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life of America, told the Cardinals for Life student group at The Catholic University of America.

Doctor Questions When A Life No Longer Matters

A change in the mindset of the medical community, shifting a doctor’s responsibility from the good of the patient to the good of the group, has wrought deadly consequences, a Catholic medical doctor warned parishioners in Queens.

Parents Have the Right to Bury Fetal Remains

I lost my first pregnancy to miscarriage in the late 1980s. The memory is hazy, clouded by the roller coaster of emotions and hormonal changes that a woman experiences when she loses a baby. I remember Joe and I watching the ultrasound machine anxiously and excitedly, waiting for the heartbeat that never came. I remember the doctor taking over from the technician and delivering the tragic news. And I remember crying.

Senators in Pope’s Argentina Reject Liberalization of Abortion

Senators in Pope Francis’ native Argentina voted against a bill that would have legalized abortion on demand until week 14 of a pregnancy early Aug. 9, following a marathon session that came as the latest twist in a three-month national debate marked with massive public rallies both in favor and against the measure.

Brett Kavanaugh Nominated to Supreme Court

Despite the fact that a new member of the Supreme Court could shape judicial precedent for decades to come, a number of Catholic legal experts say that with Monday’s pick of Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh, expectations of sweeping and immediate legal change on neuralgic issues such as abortion and gay marriage are premature.

Confusion in Ireland

In an article in the Irish Times, former Irish President Mary McAleesh offered a rather shocking opinion, stating that by baptizing babies, the Catholic Church is creating “infant conscripts who are held to lifelong obligations of obedience.”

The Gift of Life

In the creation of a consistent pro-life message, we have been reminded of late that being pro-life means being a supporter of the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death, of the plight of the migrant and refugee to that of the elderly. Yes, being pro-life means more than just being anti-abortion. However, one truly cannot be pro-life if one supports abortion “rights.”

Chicago Students Join March for Our Lives Against Gun Violence and In Racial Solidarity

While an estimated 500,000 individuals are expected to descend on Washington, D.C. on Saturday for March for Our Lives in protest of national gun violence following last month’s Parkland school massacre, students from two parishes from the Archdiocese of Chicago will be making the trek to the nation’s capitol not only to push for tighter restrictions on guns, but also an act of racial solidarity.