Texas Bishops Applaud Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion Law

Texas bishops have applauded the Supreme Court’s decision not to block a new law banning most abortions in the state, noting it’s the first time the nation’s highest court has allowed a pro-life law to remain in place while litigation proceeds in lower courts.

Justice Department Drops Conscience Case; Move Called ‘Dereliction’ of Duty

The chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ religious liberty and pro-life committees said Aug. 12 that the U.S. Department of Justice “is acting in dereliction of its duty to enforce the plain meaning of federal law” by voluntarily dismissing a civil lawsuit against a hospital that forced nurses to assist in elective abortions against their religious beliefs.

USCCB, Catholic Groups, Politicians Back Mississippi in Court Abortion Case

Catholic leaders, pro-life organizations, Republican members of Congress and several governors are among those on a long list of supporters backing Mississippi’s ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy and urging the court to reexamine its previous abortion rulings when it takes up this case in the fall.

The Bishops, Donatism, And President Biden

In an article first posted at Commonweal and republished on July 7 in La Croix International, Professor John Thiel of Fairfield University, while criticizing the U.S. bishops’ decision to prepare a teaching document on Eucharistic coherence and integrity in the Church, performed the not-inconsiderable feat of striking out four times (swinging).

Spending Bills Without Hyde Seen as Move to Expand Abortion on Demand

In eliminating the Hyde Amendment in spending bills for fiscal year 2022, the “pro-abortion” Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee “destroy over 40 years of previously unprecedented bipartisan support for a measure aimed at saving human lives,” said the president of National Right to Life.

New York Bishops’ Group Urges State Representatives to Support Hyde Amendment Renewal

The New York State Catholic Conference, which represents the bishops of New York in public policy matters, sent a letter to the state’s congressional delegation urging them “to reject taxpayer funding of abortion, and to oppose appropriations bills that do not include the long-standing, bipartisan Hyde Amendment and related pro-life policies.”