Federal Judge Blocks Texas Heartbeat Act

The pro-life law known as the Texas Heartbeat Act lost a preliminary court battle on Oct. 6 as a federal judge blocked the law while broader legal challenges are underway.

Over 500,000 People Sign Petition Urging Court to Overturn Roe Decision

After a prayer rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington Oct. 4, Students for Life of America and the Justice Foundation released the “Moral Outcry Petition,” a call for the court to overturn its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide.

Abortion is Nothing To Celebrate

In response to the new Texas law that protects unborn children from abortion after their hearts begin to beat, New York State politicians appear to be somewhat hysterical. They held a political event earlier this month in Central Park, blasting the law as “shocking,” “draconian” and “dangerous.”