Seeing Double: For Pair of Priests, Shared Faith Is Part of Their DNA

For many people, having a sibling who mirrors their every move might seem more frustrating than comforting. However, for two sets of twins in New York City, their shared bond has profoundly strengthened their faith and spiritual lives. The lives of Father Mark Amatrucola and Father Chris Lawton are intertwined not just by being twins, but by their shared journeys into the priesthood.

Rhode Island Priest Vlogs his Way Through Cardiac Surgery

Shortly after receiving his diagnosis, Father Zinno began to research the condition online to learn more about what to expect. He found that many of the most helpful resources came from YouTube vlogs by patients describing their recovery journey.

Ordination to the Priesthood

New lives as Catholic priests in the Diocese of Brooklyn await three men set to be ordained Saturday, June 4 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.

Celebrating Jubilees in Priesthood 2022

In this special annual supplement, The Tablet salutes priest-jubilarians – men who have been called by God to serve at His altar and are celebrating significant anniversaries of ordination this year.