What the Pope Really Said About Trump

The exchange between Pope Francis and Donald Trump was the biggest much-ado-about- nothing political story of the campaign. The headlines blared about the pope denouncing Trump and Trump firing back at the pope. It was all nonsense. A tempest in a fuselage.

Human Civility

The comments of Donald Trump to CNN’s Don Lemon concerning journalist Megyn Kelly after the Republican debate, stating: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes … Blood coming out of her wherever” in any interpretation, be it he said “nose” – as Trump’s staff clarified – or as in most interpretations, her menstruation, demonstrates once again the necessity for civility in public discourse.

Leave Trump Alone!

Dear Editor: Regarding the July 18th Tablet editorial. Seriously? Donald Trump should be congratulated for making the topic of illegal immigration open for discussion. The word here that so many people choose not to recognize is “illegal.” The media and now The Tablet is making it sound as though he accused all Mexicans of being thieves and rapists. He did not. Trump was making a strong point that when the border is not secure, criminals will also be let into the country.