Pope Francis apologized to victims of clergy sex abuse, saying he unknowingly wounded them by the way he defended a Chilean bishop accused of covering up abuse by his mentor.
Pope in Peru

The Pope In Peru
Photos of Pope Francis’ trip to Peru

Pope Touched All Bases in Chile, Peru
Pope Francis tackled politically charged issues during his weeklong visit to Chile and Peru, decrying human trafficking, environmental destruction, corruption and organized crime in speeches before audiences that included political leaders.

NET-TV Treated Us to Sights And Sounds of Papal Trip
I hope you had a chance to watch NET-TV’s coverage of the papal trip to Chile and Peru. I was happy to be one of the guest commentators during the six days of following Pope Francis’ every move and word in South America.

In-Flight Nuptials: Pope Didn’t Glide Over Church Requirements
Pope Francis’ decision to convalidate the marriage of two flight attendants in the air sent waves of turbulence through the Catholic blogosphere, where respected canon lawyers and pastors raised serious questions about the pope sending a message that marriage wasn’t so serious.

Pope Francis Defends Airborne Wedding, Insisting the Couple Was Ready
Pope Francis has defended his decision to perform an airborne wedding while flying over Chile, saying the two flight attendants were properly prepared for the sacrament and that refusing them might have meant they would never get around to being married in the Church.

Pope Francis Regrets Word Choice on Abuse in Chile, but Stands by Contested Bishop
Returning to Rome from a sometimes contentious six-day trip to Latin America, Pope Francis said he regretted the language he used along the way regarding sexual abuse victims who have accused a Chilean bishop of covering up their abuse, but did not back down from his support for that bishop.

Pope Francis’ Final Greeting in Peru
Dear Peruvian brothers and sisters, you have so many reasons for hope. I have seen this and have “touched” it in these days. Protect your hope. There is no better way to protect your hope than to remain united, so that these reasons for hope may grow day by day in your hearts.

Pope Tells 1.3 Million in Peru to Get Involved, Spurn ‘Jonah Syndrome’
Pope Francis is widely seen as a reformer, a leader shaking things up in the Church he leads, but sometimes he seems so fast and furious about it, it’s hard to know precisely what sort of reform he wants. In what amounted to his farewell address to his own flock in Peru on Sunday, Pope Francis boiled it down to the basics: More than anything else, he wants a Church that’s “involved.”

Pope Francis’ Homily from the Holy Mass at the Air Base “Las Palmas”
Today the Lord calls each of you to walk with him in the city, in your city. He invites you to become his missionary disciple, so that you can become part of that great whisper that wants to keep echoing in the different corners of our lives: Rejoice, the Lord is with you!