Pope Accepts Resignation of Polish Bishop in Whose Diocese ‘Sexual Orgy’ Took Place

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a Polish bishop in whose diocese a priest organized a “sexual orgy” as Polish media reported. The nunciature did not indicate in an Oct. 24 statement the reasons why Bishop Grzegorz Kaszak of Sosnowiec resigned, but commentators in Poland expressed surprise at the news of what they called a “fast-track” resignation.

As Pope Meets LGBTQ+ Advocate, Prelate Credits Him for ‘Personal Conversion’

Archbishop Zbigņev Stankevičs of Riga, Latvia, a participant in this month’s Synod of Bishops on Synodality, has said homosexuals are called to live in chastity in accord with Church teaching, but credited Pope Francis for what he called his own “personal conversion” on the issue, becoming less judgmental.

Viva Arch Vegas! Sin City Gets Blessed as an Archdiocese

At a Mass celebrating Las Vegas becoming the 33rd U.S. archdiocese, Cardinal Christophe Pierre told those in attendance that the growth of Catholicism in Sin City is the outcome of synodality, that is, “women and men working together on the shared journey of faith.”