Assisi Pilgrimage With the Poor: Pope Calls for Open Hands, Open Hearts

With a pilgrim’s staff and mantle, Pope Francis entered Assisi’s Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels with 500 economically or socially disadvantaged people and the volunteers who walk alongside them. The pontiff’s pilgrimage to Assisi Nov. 12 was dedicated totally to the poor in preparation for the celebration Nov. 14 of the World Day of the Poor.


Pope Francis Plans Dec. 2-6 Visit to Cyprus and Greece

Pope Francis’ planned trip to the eastern Mediterranean in December will focus on migration, Catholic-Orthodox relations and promoting peace in a region known more for its vacation spots than its ongoing political tensions.

Only In Print: Exchange of Gifts Features Personal Touches

During a nearly 90-minute meeting in the library of the Apostolic Palace, which included 75 minutes of closed-door discussions, Pope Francis gave President Joe Biden a large painted ceramic tile of a pilgrim walking along Rome’s Tiber River, pointing to St. Peter’s Basilica in the distance.


Pope Urges Leaders at COP26 to be Courageous in Tackling Climate Change

Education, a change in lifestyles and a model of development focused “on fraternity and on the covenant between human beings and the natural environment” are urgently needed to slow climate change and care for its victims, Pope Francis said in a message to world leaders at the COP26 summit.