A Mission Church

From time to time, it is good to remind ourselves what the “Catholic” modifying our particular church really means. Quite literally, “catholic” means “universal” – or worldwide, embracing everyone. Remembering what we call ourselves – and are, in fact, commissioned to be by our Divine Founder – can be a powerful source of encouragement as […]

Pope Francis poses with Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, England, and his wife, Caroline, during a private audience at the Vatican June 14.

Reuniting Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Share Special Relationship

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis and Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, pledged to support each other with their prayers and to continue the search for full unity between their communities. Meeting at the Vatican June 14, praying together in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in […]

Pope Francis blesses the chalice that Father Lee will use after his ordination as a priest on June 29 at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn.

Ordinand Receives Advice from Pope

by Deacon Jun Hee Lee Recently, I was given an amazing opportunity to meet our Holy Father, Pope Francis. I went with my chalice – the chalice that I will be using after I am ordained a priest for the Brooklyn Diocese on June 29 – with the hope and desire to see him and […]

Pope Nixes Reading ‘Boring’ Texts to Kids

by Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis ditched a 1,250-word prepared speech to students saying it would be “a tad boring” to read out loud and opted instead to quickly hit the high points and spend the rest of the time answering questions. “Would you like that?” he asked as some 9,000 students, […]

Pope Francis Will Not Spend Summer at Castel Gandolfo

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Unlike many of his predecessors since the early 1600s, Pope Francis has decided not to spend the summer at the papal villa in Castel Gandolfo although he will observe a reduced schedule in July and August. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, told reporters that Pope Francis has […]

Church Workers Are Called to Lives of Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Careerism and a drive to seek power in the Church are sins as old as the Church itself, Pope Francis told a group of employees from Vatican Radio and from the Vatican’s office for pilgrims and tourists. Commenting on the day’s Gospel passage – Mark 9:30-37 – the pope said that […]

Pope Francis Welcomes Home Pope Emeritus

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – For the first time in history, the Vatican is home to a pope and a retired pope. Pope Francis welcomed his predecessor, retired Pope Benedict XVI, to the Vatican May 2 outside the convent remodeled for the 86-year-old retired pontiff and five aides. Pope Francis and Pope Benedict […]

Pope Confirms 44 People, Including Two U.S. Teens

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Administering the sacrament of Confirmation to 44 people, including two teenagers from the U.S. and two from Ireland, Pope Francis encouraged them to “swim against the tide; it’s good for the heart.” In a partially improvised homily at Mass April 28 in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis encouraged […]

Is the Pope Tone Deaf?

by Carol Glatz After a musically proficient and polyglot Pope Benedict XVI, it came as a surprise to many that Pope Francis doesn’t sing or chant at Mass or speak foreign languages in public. From his first Mass as pope – his liturgy with the College of Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel March 14 – […]

Pope’s Role Is Key to Christian Ecumenism

by Marie Elena Giossi By putting himself at the service of God’s Word, the Eucharist and love, Pope Francis may be able to promote greater communion and unity among the world’s Christian churches, according to one local theologian. Msgr. John J. Strynkowski, rector of St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn, and former theological adviser for the […]