Pope Leads Prayers for Peace

by Francis X. Rocca VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Leading a crowd in prayer for peace in Syria, Pope Francis said that war is ultimately caused by selfishness, which can be overcome only through expressions of fraternity and never with violence. “Leave behind the self-interest that hardens your heart, overcome the indifference that makes your heart […]

Pope Francis Positions Himself as Peacemaker

With his call for peace in the world in the face of another Middle East war, Pope Francis has established himself clearly as a world leader. The Holy Father stepped up the prospects for a peaceful solution to the current mess in Syria when he called upon the world not to intervene militarily in a […]

War Begets War

Expect to hear very little in the days and weeks ahead than attempts to stir up the American public to give Washington – and its only most likely ally, France – sufficient cover to mount some kind of retaliatory attack on the Syrian regime. A case must be built to justify a military response with […]

Pope to Lead Prayer Vigil for Peace in Syria

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – On the evening of Sept. 7, days before U.S. lawmakers vote on President Barack Obama’s proposal for a military attack on Syria, Pope Francis will lead thousands in St. Peter’s Square in a prayer vigil for peace. “We will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God’s great […]

Pope Chooses Venezuelan Nuncio as Secretary of State

by Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Although Pope Francis has not hesitated to break with convention during his brief pontificate, in appointing a seasoned member of the diplomatic corps as the top Vatican official, he resumed a long-standing tradition. The pope appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, 58, a longtime official in the Vatican secretariat of […]

Pope Outlines Temptations In Latin American Church

RIO DE JANEIRO (CNS) – Reducing the faith to a worldly ideology, prizing administrative efficiency over missionary zeal and exalting the role of clergy to the detriment of the laity are some of the major “temptations” undermining evangelization in Latin America, Pope Francis told Church leaders from the region. “The decision for missionary discipleship will […]

Holy Surprise! Did You Hear What Pope Said?

From his pastoral visit to Brazil and his participation in World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, we are learning that Pope Francis is a pope of surprises. The new pope has made it clear that he is a man who wants to be close to people. He has asked for less security and greater […]

Youth Views from World Youth Day in Brazil

What has been your experience of in WYD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, thus far?   Marie Tronsor, 22 St. Gerard Majella, Hollis Everyone here watches out for each other, even if we are not part of the same group.       Christopher Luna, 22 Our Lady of Sorrows, Corona Coming to WYD, I didn’t […]

God Wants Our Eternal Salvation

by Father John P. Cush I REALLY CONSIDER myself blessed to have been assigned to Rome for post-graduate doctoral work this past semester. Instead of just reading about Church history, I had the opportunity to live it out in the events of February and March, 2013. The resignation of our beloved Benedict XVI and his final days […]

We’re on the Ground in Rio with WYD Delegates

As The Tablet goes to press this week, Pope Francis is marking his second day in Rio de Janeiro where he has traveled for World Youth Day. The Brooklyn Diocese has sent more than 200 young people to the international gathering, making it the largest total from any diocese in the U.S. and third among […]