And So It Begins…

The reaction of the majority of the press demonstrates once again the lack of understanding of the nature of the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church.

Did Pope Call for War Vs. ISIS?

In the days that followed Pope Francis’ Aug. 18 remarks on U.S. airstrikes earlier in the month against Islamic State, the buzz was about whether the pope had actually given his consent to them.

Pope Francis and Theology

Sixth in a series

One of the unfortunate occurrences of the last 30 years is that a growing distance seems to have grown between some Catholic theologians and some members of the Catholic hierarchy.

A Revolution of Tenderness

In the fifth part of his series, Father Robert Lauder takes a closer look at “The Joy of the Gospel” and Pope Francis’s suggestion that some people want to avoid the social dimension of the Gospel.

Pope: Priests Should Avoid ‘Sterile’ Celibacy

One of the dangers of a “sterile” form of celibacy is bitterness and gossip, Pope Francis said July 26 during a meeting with 123 priests working in the Diocese of Caserta and 19 bishops from Italy’s Campania region.

Laity Is the Strength of The Church in Korea

When Pope Francis travels to South Korea, Aug. 14-18, he is ready to find a Catholic Church that exemplifies much of what he hopes for the Church around the world, including a highly active laity.

Korea Welcomes Pope Francis

Pope Francis is visiting South Korea Aug. 14-18 and will celebrate Mass at Asian Youth Day, beatify Korean martyrs and preside at a Mass for national reconciliation. You can see the highlights on NET-TV.

Pope Takes Lunch Hour In Employees’ Cafeteria

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Taking the chef completely by surprise, Pope Francis unexpectedly showed up to eat with the Vatican’s blue collar workers at their cafeteria in the tiny city-state’s “industrial park.”

Koreans Await Pope’s Visit to Homeland

Less than three weeks remain before Pope Francis makes his first apostolic visit to South Korea, and excitement is building among local Koreans, especially at St. Paul Chong Ha-Sang parish, Flushing.