The Vatican and Ecology

Dear Editor: It was good to see the front-page coverage (May 9) given to Pope Francis’ eagerly awaited ecology encyclical and to the role Catholic groups are playing in the attempt to protect the environment from climate change and other kinds of degradation; I remember the excellent coverage given to the part religious groups played in the Climate March in New York City last September.

Journalists Predict Warm Welcome When Pope Visits United States

America will fall in love with Pope Francis when he visits in September. That is the prediction of Austen Ivereigh, author of “The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope,” who was the main speaker at the Brooklyn Diocese’s celebration of World Communications Day on May 13. The day-long conference held at […]

Communicating the Message of Pentecost

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, Each year, DeSales Media Group sponsors a celebration of World Communications Day with a conference inviting members of the Diocese to explore how they can become better communicators of their faith. This year, this day coincides with the celebration of Pentecost where the initial communication of faith was made by the Holy Spirit who set the Apostles forth.

Meaning of Conversion

This past Sunday, Cuban President Raul Castro visited with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in anticipation of the pope’s visit to Cuba this September. In his interview afterwards, Castro indicated that he is thinking about returning to the faith and going back to Mass due to Pope Francis. Castro said that he reads everything that our Holy Father writes and is very impressed by his approach.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Job, Shakespeare and Romero

10th in a series. THROUGHOUT HIS BOOK, “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life (New York: Paulist Press, 2001, pp. 142, $12.95) Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., has placed marvelous quotations from well-known authors.

Father William J. Byron, S.J.

Church In U.S. Should Be the Good Samaritan

By Father William J. Byron, S.J. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Tegucigalpa in Honduras and past president of the Latin American bishops’ council, was on the campus of St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia at the end of April to participate in a meeting of about 250 Catholic community organizers gathered to express their hopes […]

Pope Says Father Serra Deserves to Be a Saint

Pope Francis insisted Blessed Serra fits into a host of saints who shaped the history and culture of the Americas, particularly by spreading Christianity, caring for the poor and defending the oppressed.