For Pilgrims to Rome, Castel Gandolfo Is a Train Ride Away

Pope Francis has been giving real orders to Vatican staff to lift the locks on places and spaces that were long closed to the general public – the latest being the papal summer home in the hilltop town of Castel Gandolfo.

Pilgrimage from Miami

Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski, who is leading a Sept. 18-21 pilgrimage from Miami to Havana in support of Pope Francis’ historic visit to the island, prays at the Church of St. Marta

DC ‘Walks With Francis’ Toward Prison Reform

As part of the Walk With Francis Pledge campaign to benefit the local community and reach out to those in need in the days leading to Pope Francis’ Sept. 22-24 visit to Washington, a group of Christian leaders is advocating for “a fair and more welcoming” criminal justice system in this country.

Francis’ Speech at UN Will Be Fifth by a Pope

Pope Francis’ three predecessors who spoke to the General Assembly – Blessed Paul VI, St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI – addressed issues reflecting the great social and political challenges of their era.

Pope Goes to Cuba as ‘Missionary of Mercy’

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (CNS) – Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba is a sign of his closeness to the nation’s people as they “breathe the air of hope” that relations with the U.S. will improve, said Bishop Wilfredo Pino Estevez of Guantanamo-Baracoa.

Fasten Seatbelts, Papal Trip Is About to Begin

The lights are ready to be turned on. The set is complete. The cameras are in place. All we need now is for Pope Francis to begin his trip to Cuba and the United States and we will have the action we have been anticipating.

Pope Francis’ Humanism

Eighth and last in a series Having read and re-read Cardinal Walter Kasper’s small gem of a book, “Pope Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love” (New York: Paulist Press, 2015, pp. 117, $16.95), I think that due to Cardinal Kasper, I have a good understanding of the Holy Father’s vision of the Church. Now when […]

Oh Say, Did You See Pope in Town Today?

Romans and tourists crowded outside Alessandro Spiezia’s shop on Via del Babuino near Piazza di Spagna to catch a glimpse of the pope as he had his eyes measured.

Pope: European Parishes Should House Refugees

Given the ongoing crisis of people fleeing from war and poverty, Pope Francis asked every parish and religious community in Europe to take in a family of refugees as a concrete sign of hope and God’s mercy.