Synod on Synodality: ‘The Biggest Thing in the Catholic Church Since Vatican II’

Meetings today are common occurrences at work, in neighborhoods, schools, and churches, but an almost monthlong meeting — coming on the heels of a two-year consultation process at the parish, national, and continental levels, and then followed by another gathering a year later before submitting a final report, to the pope no less, is hardly an average meeting.

At Mass in Mongolia, Pope Sends ‘Warm Greetings’ to Neighboring China

By Cindy Wooden ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia (CNS) — While China allowed Pope Francis’ plane to cross its airspace on the way to Mongolia, an office of the Chinese Communist Party prevented any Catholic bishops or priests in the mainland from traveling there to see the pope. But a retired cardinal and the future cardinal of Hong […]

Pope Begins Mongolia Visit With Talk of Peace, Respect for the Earth

By Cindy Wooden ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia (CNS) — In a land bordering both Russia and China, and having deep ties with both, Pope Francis told Mongolian leaders their country can play “a significant role in the heart of the great Asian continent and on the international scene,” particularly in peacemaking. After paying tribute to Mongolian history […]

Mongolia Trip Captures Pope’s Passion for the Peripheries

While Pope Francis is in Mongolia Aug. 31-Sept. 4, not only will the geopolitical undertones of the visit be on full display, but so will his affinity for the global and ecclesial peripheries, as he meets one of the Catholic Church’s smallest flocks.