During this Year of Mercy, Catholics have the opportunity to better understand the concept of mercy and to meet Jesus by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. That was the message of the Diocesan Evangelization Congress held Saturday, Jan. 30, at the Immaculate Conception Pastoral Center, Douglaston.
Office of Faith Formation
Father Lauder Hosts 50th Friday Film Festival
Father Robert Lauder and the Office of Faith Formation, School of Evangelization will present the 50th Friday Film Festival in Douglaston, on six Fridays, starting Sept. 11.

Steubenville NYC: Eager Youth Listen for Call
The Carnesecca Arena at St. John’s University, Jamaica, was filled with nearly 2,000 teens screaming, crying and stomping last weekend, but when the guest of honor came to the forefront, all became still.

Youth Ministry to Benefit From Generations’ Drive
A substantial portion of the monies contributed to the campaign will support the Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative.