Mother Cabrini, A Great Example We Need

Dear Editor: Thank you for promoting Mother Cabrini to be honored by erecting her statue in New York. She did receive the most votes and is a great example we need in these troubled times in our world. Let’s all pray to her for protection and peace.

Mother Cabrini, a Heroine Who Should Be Recognized

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

It seems incongruous that after a public information campaign began for “She Built NYC” to nominate women for statues to be erected in the City of New York, since women are unrepresented in our statuary, that the woman who received the most votes, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, was not chosen as worthy to be honored for her contribution to our City.

Mother Cabrini Deserves to Be Honored by the City

Dear Editor: As a former resident of New York City — 51 years in Bayside, Queens — I protest against dismissing Mother Frances Cabrini from her rightful place in New York City history.

NYC’s First Lady Snubs Mother Cabrini

New York City’s First Lady Chirlane McCray is facing backlash after ignoring public calls for a monument to be erected in honor of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first American saint. 

Mother Cabrini’s Legacy of Service Lives On

by Msgr. Gregory MustaciuoloWhile there are differences in approaches and solutions, there is broad agreement that more needs to be done to improve health care in our nation. The same is true for this state we call home.

Mother Cabrini Shines as Example of Care for Immigrants

Faced with the harsh discrimination immigrants endure in the United States, one nun, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, frail but fierce, fought to help these marginalized in society with effects so miraculous, they could have been achieved only with the help of the Holy Spirit.