Remembering a Martyr: Father Edwin Coyle

On August 11, 1921, Father James Edwin Coyle was shot three times by Ku Klux Klan member Edwin Stephenson while sitting on the porch in front of his rectory at St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

Father Michael McGivney One Step Closer to Sainthood

On July 20, The Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints announced the beatification ceremony for Father Michael McGivney will take place at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Connecticut on Oct. 31. 

Controversy Lingers Over Trump Visit to John Paul II Shrine

President Donald Trump’s visit in early June to the Saint Pope John Paul II Shrine in Washington D.C. continues to generate controversy. Now Archbishop Wilton Gregory’s criticism of the visit is coming under scrutiny.

Knights of Columbus Celebrate 100 Years in Rome

Less than 40 years after its humble beginnings in New Haven, Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus was invited by Pope Benedict XV to establish a permanent presence in Rome.