The comments of Donald Trump to CNN’s Don Lemon concerning journalist Megyn Kelly after the Republican debate, stating: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes … Blood coming out of her wherever” in any interpretation, be it he said “nose” – as Trump’s staff clarified – or as in most interpretations, her menstruation, demonstrates once again the necessity for civility in public discourse.
Jim Gaffigan

Comedy Is a Family Affair with Gaffigans
By Mark Pattison WASHINGTON (CNS) – Jim Gaffigan, the comic actor known both for his funny books like “Dad Is Fat” and “Food: A Love Story,” and his inclusion of his Catholicism in his stand-up routines, has a close collaborator: his wife, Jeannie. “We’re truly partners,” Jeannie Gaffigan said during a June 11 teleconference with […]